CasaMia Post Mastectomy

At our CasaMia stores we specialise in the fitting of Breast Prostheses and Bras to help restore body image and self-esteem of women who have had breast surgery. Total breast care with 8 fully trained, experienced certified Bra and Prostheses fitters.

About Breast Forms

Breast forms are usually made of silicone gel encased in a membrane. They are worn next to the skin or in a pocketed bra. There are many different styles, sizes, shapes and weights. Wearing a breast form will help with your balance, posture, ease discomfort plus give you confidence while feeling feminine, elegant and looking great For women who have had a full mastectomy we offer a choice in breast forms and bras from the three leading manufactures Amoena, Trulife and Advanced Breast Care. We will help you to choose a bra and breast form to suit your body shape and lifestyle. For Women who have had partial or breast conserving surgery we can offer you a choice of partial breast forms to balance your new shape that has a natural look and feel.

You deserve the best and no compromises will be made.


Getting fitted.

It is preferable to wait 6-8 weeks after surgery before being fitted with a permanent breast form, this is to allow for any swelling at the surgical site to resolve. If you still have swelling around the site you may need to wait a bit longer than this. If you are unsure check with your breast care nurse or Medical practitioner.


Your Fitting

If possible, please make an appointment for your fitting so we can give you our full attention. Your fitter will discuss your lifestyle and lingerie preferences with you and fit a breast form that is suitable for you. It is best to wear comfortable clothing to your appointment. A top with skirt/trousers is easiest for the fitting. Bring a favourite top to try so you can see how you look. You are welcome to bring a friend, partner or family member with you to your appointment.


Medicare rebate

There are many women around the nation that are still unaware that the government passed legislation that allows women purchasing new breast forms to receive a rebate from Medicare. This is excellent news for women who have undergone a mastectomy, because previously they only received the first prostheses free, and paid full price for every form thereafter. Medicare Will rebate up to $400 for each Breast form every two years. It is important to have regular size checks as sizing can change with weight loss or weight gain. Prostheses age over time so it is necessary to replace them, plus there has been so much advancement in prostheses recently. Women who have had problems with the older-style heavy prostheses will love the new lightweight forms. The most exciting new products are the body cool from Trulife and Comfort Plus from Amoena with special cooling agent that draws the heat away from the body. New technology has created breast prostheses that are lightweight, silky smooth, and have a skin-like feel as well as a natural look. Some prostheses have a soft silk-type gel that touches the skin, so it doesn’t irritate scar tissue. Also available are Contact adhesive breast forms, Swim forms and Foam leisure forms. Every woman is different, with different needs therefore at CasaMia we try to carry all the different shapes and sizes so the ladies can come in, be fitted and walk out that day looking and feeling like a new woman.

CasaMia has fully trained and certified fitters in the store at all times. However to insure 100 per cent attention to our customers we suggest making an appointment. Call any time just to talk, find out more information or to arrange an appointment.

Call Warilla: 4296 7485 or Fairy Meadow: 4283 8422